So a friend and I, played a pick-up game between his Ork horde and my Nids. Now since he is still trying to amass his Waagh! we proxied some of his models with mine. I brought my 1500 killer list, swaping out the Gargoyles and a few Gaunts to bring a Prime with Boneswords. I really need to ask to borrow my opponants lists at the end of these games so I can post what they brought. Ok, so we decided to use a special scenario this time and we randomly rolled the Dark Eldar scenario, Night Raid. We rolled off and Nick (my opponant) got to act as the Dark Eldar player. Deployment was similar to Spearhead with 4 objectives. Three were placed in the center of the quarters that didn't belong to the Dark Eldar player and one in the center of the table. Nick could only deploy Fast Attack and Troops that were in transports. I was able to deploy Troops and Heavy Support. This started a little unbalanced because Nick had half of his army off the table and I had almost all of mine (excluding HQs and deepstrikers). here is our initial set-up.
So I failed to steal the initiative, but that turned out ok for me. all Nick could do was zoom his vehicles up and wait for the next turn. Now the scenario uses nightfighting, but at the end of each player turn, we roll to see if the sun comes up. Well... Nick rolled a six meaning I could shoot at him without issues. My Tervigon poops out about 9 dudes, and my army moves up. Terv casts Catalyst on Genestealer. I manage to immobilize his troop truck (rhino) with my shooty Fex and my uber Gaunts keep the warbuggy from using weapons this next turn. Here is turn one:
Next, Nick gets his Komandos in, a Defdred, a unit of Boys, and his Lootas attatched to Bigmek w/Shokk Attak. His Komandos sneak up on the Genestealers, and the rest come in as close as possible from his edge. he gets his Boys out of his immobilized Truck and backs up his shaken Buggy.
He tried to lob a few rockits into my stuff with little effect, roasted only 1-2 Genestealers due to Catalyst, and thats about all.
Now came one of the most interesting parts.. Komandos assault the Genestealers! I killed all of his Komandos except for Snikrot. After SIX attacks from Snikrot, maybe one Genestealer died. He lost combat and needed double ones to pass the morale check.
!!!!!!!!!!! Snikrot's a gutsy little bugger! So he stayed and it is my turn next.
Well the good news for nick was that my HQs didn't make it in. The bad news was everything else did :P my Doom nearly scattered off the bored but landed right in the middle of his dudes, and my Mawloc REALLY deviated and popped up in the forrest. Well after the Terv pooped out 15 more Termagaunts, moved up, cast Catalyst on a group of Termies, blew up the buggy with the Fex, sucked up 8 Ork souls with the Doom, oh and my Gaunts were out of synapse so they are blindly running at the vehicle. Well finished off Snikrot with the Broodlord, took out the weapon on the second buggy with the awol Gaunts, asualted the Orks and killed 'em all, and this just kept going downhill for Nick.
So now Nick fails to get his Warboss in the fight, but his second Defdred comes in. He attemted to get his Oks away from the Doom, but it didn't work and they are just getting destroyed by his soul sucking ability. One Dred assaulted my Doom and got blown up (doom was at strength 10 by now). He was just short of an assault with his other Defdred and that ended his turn.
So I pooped out more Termigaunts (still no doubles), and my prime comes in with the unit of termigaunts. Mawloc ducks out and more of nicks stuff dies. Wrecked his imobilized vehicle in the assault. the handed it over to nick.
Warboss finally came in and tank shocked my Spore and Doom in the process. Doom got out of the way, but the Spore attempted a death or glory and got squished. After this, the only ineresting thing that happened was i rolled a 1, 2, and 3 for the number of pooped Gaunts... and i didn't have enough to put them all on the table :P
The game overall was ok. Nick started well, but the dice were not on his side. We will have to try again soon but now we also have our other friends in town so i should have more reports up soon! Stay Tuned!
Thursday, August 18, 2011
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