
Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Age of Sigmar: A New Beginning (Skelle Warrior Paint Scheme & Tactica)

So Warhammer Fantasy has officially passed with the conclusion of the End Times and the Age of Sigmar has come. What does this mean? Well I sold off all of my fantasy miniatures before AoS was even announced and that means I have no miniatures to play AoS. Well that is changing! I was given a copy of the starter set which allowed me to read through the rules (I have had no interest prior). I actually really like it! I wasn't a big fan a fantasy but I loved the hobby. 

Well now I am rebuilding my Tomb Kings to play Age of Sigmar. I am bringing back a similar theme to what I was doing before (although I never finished). 
These are what I currently have assembled and I am working on more. The Lich Priest is the one from the Casket of Souls. I have a friend who is using  3D printer to make a customer base to fit the Priest, his guards and the casket. I don't want to use the giant mound of skulls. I modified the second banner pole to be a halberd to differentiate the leader of the unit. The back two (banner and priest) are my current WIP.

This is Bill. He is the first of the skelles to be finished. I took the pictures outside because the lighting in my house sucks. I am going a bit traditional with slight variations. I am using red as the accent color with turquoise as the main heraldry. I am making the bones very dark using layered washes and highlights. It gives it a more menacing aged look and less cartoony as many other schemes I have seen.

So in 8th, skelle warriors were the necessary evil. They just weren't as good as the rest of the other options but were core and cheap. Now in AoS they have some uniqueness that makes them set apart from other options. 
I you opt to play the skelle warriors, likely you are wanting to go full skelle synergy. Skeleton armies in the TK are horde armies. The unites want to be big because for have 20 or 30+ skelles you get and extra attack. This is ALOT of attacks. The reason I have equipped the seemingly weaker spear instead of sword is because of the 2" reach. If you position the skelles where they can get ranks of supporting attacks from the rear (not the rule for ranks in 8th, merely a tactical positioning), you get a TON more attack. Add in the bonus from massive unit size and you will tear apart just about anything.
After you have the unit, using a Tomb King to boost their attack stat or a Lich Priest to grant extra attacks on 6s, these seemingly fragile warriors are a terrifying force. Also since the banner brings back D6 each turn, and you can plant your shields to get a minor defensive bonus, maybe add in another priest casting arcane shield, they become a killer unit.
All these tactics play very much to the style of the Tomb Kings: unit support and synergy. Many other factions have star player characters. Well the TK get fantastic supporting characters and they can turn this unit into a force to be reckoned with.

I hope you enjoyed my preview of my Tomb King project and the tactica! stay tuned for more!


Well hello out there! After a long hiatus from blogging, I have returned! I have been getting settled into a new job with a miniature game company (Wyrd Games) and have been absolutely loving it. I have left and joined games since then and now I am back to give a full update and start sharing everything going on! So stay tuned as I am gearing up for podcasts, videos, painting articles, and as much as I can fit in!

Saturday, April 18, 2015

Blog Issues And Future Plans

Ok so all of my pictures on my blog have disappeared and I don't know how it happened. So I am gonna start anew and keep on going. I have been working with Lock 'N Load Publishing still doing some sales and dealing with game conventions. After I go to a convention I will post the pictures I take here. I plan on creating an actual schedule for myself that way this blog gets updated frequently with new stuff. I am now the GM for my rpg group using Through The Breach as our system so I will be posting updates on the system and a 'story based summery' of our sessions. A friend of mine is also working on a logo for the blog and I am excited as she has taken it in a direction I never thought to go and am very impressed with it so far. 

Stay tuned and I will have new stuff up soon!

Sunday, February 8, 2015

Leviticus: The Steampunk Necromancer

Ok so my first crew for Malifaux is the Salvage and Logistics box. Leviticus is the first model I finished from it. I used an inspiration from Assasins Creed and decided to use browns and off-whites on the cloak. His eyes I made then black as if they are bleeding some kind of black gunk. I love this guy and I look forward to painting more of his crew!

Malifaux! And... plans...

So my life has shaken up by several events! One: I will not be continuing Relic Knights.
Two: i found a new game
Three: it has become may favorite game.
Four: I am officially on staff at Lock 'n Load Publishing as their convention coordinator!
The reason I am selling my Relic Knights is because I am liquidating my lesser games in order to get into Malifaux. I will do a review from a new players perspective later. I have already bought my first starter box and painted one model (posted later).
For LnL, I will be traveling to Genghis Con in Denver to help demo games and run the retail booth. I am super excited about this opportunity and I will be taking tons of pictures and maybe some video. I will review the games I will be working on with then later.
I am getting my games focused and selling certain ones. I will have Tyranids in 40k, Combined Army in Infinity, Android: Netrunner, Malifaux, and I will have 40k: Conquest in the works.... yes this is me trimming my games lol. But I will be posting more soon!

Friday, January 9, 2015

Corsair Unit

I finally finished the corsair unit. They are the experiment for the rest of my corsairs, which I am happy with the colors, but these have been different to paint than my other projects. I am not fully happy with their quality, but I have another unit to make look better. They are at tabletop quality right now which will do. I used the typical orange, yellow and reds but I used them as accents and gave my own spin to the scheme. I home you guys like them! I will have my full 50pt force painted and posted soon and then... a battle report! Look forward to that and the rest of the content to come!

Saturday, January 3, 2015

More Pirates

I got a few more models painted, including Caesar, the Iron Chef, and a single Corsair. I am working on the rest, but the Corsair was my experiment in color scheme. I am using grays as the main clothing color and using reds, yellows, and oranges as the highlights. The chef I made pretty basic in scheme as he is.. well.. just a chef :P But I thought the grey still looked good and I continued it. I liked my blue parrot look with Caesar and wanted to tie it into the rest of the faction. I did this by using Harker's hair, the corsair's bandanna, and the chef's hat. Let me know what you think!

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