
Saturday, June 16, 2018

Streaming and Gameplay Videos: Trial of Dawnfall

So I am starting to make game-play videos for YouTube as well as streaming games on twitch. Now these are only digital versions of the tabletop games I play so I will still be focusing on the tabletop. The digital medium is a convenient way to create content especially when I have no one around at the time. 

This video is our initial trial in preparation of doing regular streams and videos of The Edge: Dawnfall. It is unedited and originally was not planned to be posted but we decided to do so anyway as to provide some actual game-play to people who are interested in the game. I will be adding music in the background of future videos and try to be a bit more polished in general :P 

He I am playing as the Faceless vs the mod creator, Ken and his Reborn. The reborn are the druid-type faction that like to play with special terrain tokens they create. These allow them to block off area and make them hazardous for opponents. Ken failed to really make use of them here which is due to inexperience in general. The Faceless are a faction of cheap meat that you use to "evolve" your bigger units. Let me know how you think the game looks and any feedback for improving video or streaming quality is welcome!

In future updates I will be providing a breakdown of each faction and my opinions of models and cards. The next update will be covering a new deck for L5R so stay tuned!

Monday, June 11, 2018

The Edge: Dawnfall and My Plans

Hey everyone! Soon this Kickstarter will ship! The Edge: Dawnfall has been a game I have been super excited for for awhile. Once it arrives I will almost exclusively be painting those minis for a time. Here is the unboxing video of the core content being sent out (I have pledged for more content but this is the main chunk).

The components look incredibly high quality and I am stoked! My shipment will be in the second wave of shipping and the shipping starts next Friday. Due to their estimations, I am guessing my copy will be shipped within two week of that (unless delays) and I should receive it in two weeks or so if my past experience with Polish shipping is anything to go off of.

I am soon going to be doing "lets play" videos via Table Top Simulator with another member of the community for The Edge: Dawnfall. I will be following and participating in the competitive side of the game so expect more content there!

Also, more L5R content incoming from me :) I have a couple new decks I am working on.

Hope to post soon!

Wednesday, June 6, 2018

WIP Wednesday

Time to start updating on current projects! 

So I have a lot of things to paint and get done, but I do have some more immediate projects. First I will do my commissions:

This is the empire side of the Star Wars: Legion Game by Fantasy flight. The customer wants an "Endor" basing theme so I am doing some simple basing in that aesthetic. My photobox is showing up yellowish so I plan on getting that fixed with different bulbs soon (should be a white background). I am keeping it simple with the storm troopers, but white is a pain to work with regardless.

This is a Chaos Maulerfiend by Games Workshop. The customer wants an Iron Warriors theme and this is turning out quite nice!I have most of the tedious work done, but still have a lot to do.

These are two Guild Ball (Steam Forged Games) minis for two different people. One is Furnace of the Blacksmiths Guild and the other is Veteran Minx of the Hunters Guild. Minx is gonna be a lot of fun to paint, but I have to figure out how I want to do furnace as he is covered in a lot of hammered metal.

Those are the commissions I have, but this is my main personal project right now:

These are the main marine models, made by Puppets War/ They actually are made to be magnetized so I can take their arms/banners off if I wish. I am going to do a black and red primary theme. Turquoise will be the tertiary accent color. All bases for this project are Secret Weapon resin bases.

On the left is one of the HQ models and on the right is a Terminator. Same manufacturer.

So on the left is actually a Grey Daimyo from Eden: The Game by Happy Games Factory. I have yet to receive one of his missing shoulder pads and I am modding his arms to have both a heavy weapon and alternate halberd. His base uses the Citadel Skulls on a mound of Greenstuff.
On the Right is a Thunderwolf Cavalry model I am modifying to have an "Oni" look to him. Will be modding a rider for him as well.

I do have other things to paint, but right now I am focusing these, particularly the commissions. Once my kickstarters arrive I will have a lot more personal projects. Stay tuned for more!

Tuesday, June 5, 2018

Back into the Fray

So its been a long time since I actively blogged as I have had a lot going on. Moved states, had a second kid, life got busy enough that at one point I didn't touch my games for what felt like an entire year. I am now back into it and I have really been painting a massive amount lately, particularly commission painting. I had even started up a second blog here: I will not be continuing with that blog but I will be continuing here. I will start to share all my current works once they are done but here is an update on current games and projects:

Age of Sigmar: I had originally started this up with Tomb Kings before they discontinued the line, so I switched to Sylvaneth but I sold them all since I was not playing the game and didn't make time to paint them. I had heavily customized multiple models, however and it really opened up my skill level to army modding. I have now picked up the Idoneth Deepkin book but have no models. I will update as I gain more of those and get them painted. It will be some time as this is more of a hobby/fun project than most everything else so I am not in a rush.

Warhammer 40k: So I had sold off my Tyranids a long while back to a good friend of mine ( and haven't touched the game since really. Well 8th edition has taken a good hold in my local game community and I decided to get back in as that very same friend is moving to town soon (yay! gaming buddies <3). This time I decided originally to do Necrons as they were my original army when I started wargaming, but I decided instead to pursue the hobby project I wanted to for years.. Samurai marines! That means I needed some heavily modded minis and custom parts. I decided to go with minis from Puppets War which I will share in a separate posta long with a review. I have also taken a model from Eden the Game so make my dreadnought conversion (super excited for that one). I am currently working to convert GW Thunderwolves into a sort of oni-wolf cavalry. And on that mention, I plan to be using space wolves as my core rules. The nice thing will be that As custom minis I can use them as multiple different factions including chaos if I want. It is a long term project that I will be doing a lot with.

Arena Rex: I still have my minis for Legio XIII but will be updating with models I have yet to paint. I sold my Morituri (which you can see on my other blog), but will likely be picking up another faction in the future.

Malifaux: So just a few months ago I went on a crazy Malifaux painting spree so I have a ton to update here and still a lot more to do :)

Wrath of Kings: I now own a set of Goritsi and Hakar but have not even played a game. They are on the back-burner but I love the models and will be painting them at some point. If I can get other people playing then even better.

Warhammer Shadespire: So I got into this game quite a bit and painted up a set of the Sepulchral Guard and Skaven. I will be both sharing my hobby photos of those as well as deck builds and tactics.

Guildball: I have recently been playing this a lot and even submitted my application to be a Pundit. I bought the Ratcatchers and have LOVED them both painting and playing. I will be making a couple posts about these guys. I have the new resin Obulous box coming in so I will be posting about that as well.

Warmachine and Hordes: I had gotten into Circle about a year ago just after the new edition came out but rage quite after trying to deal with the low quality of certain older minis of theirs that did not have nay new sculpts. I have officially dived back in with the Grymkin faction as they are all new minis and beautiful. I don't know how much I will play the game but will update on hobby progress.

Legend of the 5 Rings: So the living card game came out last year and I have dived deep into it. I will be sharing a post about my Scorpion deck but I have some other thoughts to share and decks to experiment and try out :)

Kickstarters: I have three coming in.. Village Attacks by Grimlord Games, a cooperative miniatures board game, The Other Side by Wyrd Miniatures, a competitive miniatures game, and The Edge: Dawnfall by Awaken Realms, a competitive miniatures game. All of these have a lot of minis for me to paint and I am super excited as one of them ships this month. I will be updating on gameplay and painting with all of these.

Commissions: I have really picked up on my commission work and will post the pieces as I work on them. Some are of lower quality that others but none the less they are current projects :P

That is my general update! I am back trying to get into full swing and have a lot to do! Stay tuned!

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