
Monday, December 24, 2018

Christmas Time & New Toys

Merry Christmas time everyone!

So the season of giving is upon us as I shudder... I usually earn the Grinch awards every year. This year I am enjoy the holidays with me wife and two kids so it isn't so bad. My games however are proving difficult to make time for with all the busy things to do. But My goal to get more consistent and regular is still here!

So the topic of today's blog is a game I am getting back into.. a 3rd time.. Warhammer: Age of Sigmar! I originally played the game back in the rank-and-file days of Fantasy as Skaven and Tomb Kings, selling my Tomb Kings after they discontinued the line. I played Sylvaneth for a small time but barely player then got rid of them. I bought the book for the Idoneth Deepkin upon release but never bought and model... until now.. I have officially expanded into the game with two of the battleforce boxes, an Akhelian Leviadon, a Soulrender, and this guy (WIP):

My Akhelian King! Currently a WIP but I will cover my painting with him in another article. Here I wanted to delve into my current list with the army.

Alliance: Order
Allegiance: Idoneth Deepkin
Realm: Aqshi (Fire)
Enclave: Feuthan

Akhelian King with spear (Armor of Cythai artifact)
Tidecaster (gerneral) with Tideof Fear spell (Kraken Tooth artifact)
Tidecaster with Arcane Corrasion spell
Ishraran Soulrender

2x Akhellian Allopex with Harpoons
2x 10-man units of Namarti Reavers
1x 10-man unit of Namarti Thralls
2x 3-man units of Ishlaen Guard with full command
1x Akhelian Leviadon
Akhelian Corps Battalion 

Alsright so this is a bit of a combined force. The tactic is ideally go second, then having switched the Tides of Battle, run forward firing with our ranged units and charging with with out mele turn one. This is possible since Fuethan changes the Ebb Tide to Flow Tide. I am thinking about trying out the Tidecaller instead of the additional Tidecaster, but I dont own one yet. I only have a single 2000 point game under my belt so far but continuing to test it out! The list decimated the dwarves I faced, but neither of us are seasoned players so that may have been a reason. 

Here soon I will be posting about the Akhelian King, likely after he is finished. Before that will be a post showing of my proud work on the Guild Ball Hunter's team. 

Stay tuned for more!


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