
Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Malifaux 3rd Edition

The time has come! Malifaux 3rd edition has fallen upon us and I may have fallen off the deep end...

This game has for a very long time been my favorite tabletop wargame to play. It mixes themes I love with a dynamic world and captivating story. Mix in gorgeous models and a skirmish game unique in this current market of games and you get a game that is highly approachable by players of all skill levels.

Now there have been a lot of game reviews my favorite so far being from Third Floor Wars, but I will be giving an overview of my own game experiences playing certain masters and crews and playing against others. Since I primarily play the Outcast faction, most of my write-ups will be focused there but I will be including general strategies as well as my impressions of my opponent's factions and crews.

I will also being trying to document my games and giving my general thoughts on strategy. Hope you enjoy the things to come!

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