
Wednesday, June 29, 2011

4-round Tournament

Well after the tournament this last weekend, I have come to realize that I can't get away fro the love I have for my Tyranids. Jon and I entered into the 1500pt tournament with high hopes for success. Jon ended up finishing with a 2-2 streak. I nearly took first until I faced mech-Guard. My first battle was against a friend and his Grey Knights. He brought two Dreadknights, a Landraider, two squads of terminators, and a single squad of Stike squad, all led by Crowe. The game went downhill from the start for him. My Broodlord instant-killed his HQ, I pinned one of his terminator units, and started to consume the rest. He ended up conceding after all but his landraider died. That gained me 22 battlepoints including bonuses. The next battle was against Chaos Marines. One word to describe this battle, CARNAGE! So much died... especially my stuff. All I had at the end of the game was my Tervigon and a group of three Termigaunts. However I got a major victory due to my Genestealers forming a congo-line (quoting Jon) and getting my objective off the field, as per the scenario. That boosted me up to 30 points. The next battle was against vanilla Marines, which was a huge game of luck. My opponant fired 6 hunter-killer missiles into my tyrant, fired his dreadnaught's multi-melta into him, and lit him up with rockit spam... ALL ON FREAKIN' TURN ONE! Apparrently he really wanted him dead, but my Tyrant had other ideas. He took 3 damage points, and successfully saved all other cover saves. Made my day. The game was a massacre and it boosted me up to 45 points. The next battle I faced the infamous Mech-Guard and scored 3 kill point but was massacred in the process. Because of my battlepoints, I took 3rd (though if I had won that last Battle I would have been 1st), but I proved my 'Nids a terror. Till next time.... NOM!

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