Flyrant w/psychic scream and onslaught synaptic, lynchpin
Swarmlord w/paroxism, onslaught and warp blast; synaptic lynchpin
3 Hiveguard w/haywire
3 Venomthropes
3 Zoanthropes w/onslaught
Tervigon troop w/ catalyst
30 termigaunts
30 ubergaunts (full upgrade hormagaunts)
30 ubergaunts
20 genstealers w/ broodlord and scything talons
3 warriors
2 mawlocks
1 cannon fex (carifex w/biocannon and brainleach worms)
3 biovores
We rolled up the Big Guns Never Tire scenario which made me very happy sitting my biovores on the objective. Dawn of War deployment, in which they won the roll of to go first but gave it to me in order to have my stuff get a bit closer on my own so they could shoot at it. Nightfighting is in effect turn 1. I infiltrated 18 inches away and just advanced all of my stuff, using onslaught on my zoanthropes (the only major psychic test this turn). My units moved up in the shooting phase, with the zoanthropes successfully blowing up the DA landraider. This was pivotal due to the banner giving all bolters (including the Crusader's bolters) salvo. Tervigon pooped out a little unit. we found the objective the biovores were on to be sabotaged! The first forest in the middle was iron bark and the one my genestealers were in was carnivorous which ate 1-2 genestealers. Marines' turn. They killed a decent amount of my 20 genestealers then proceeded to assault them with the terminators. This cost all of the terminators their lives and no genestealers died. Put a wound on my flyrant and killed a few gaunts then put a wound on the zoanthropes. That was about it.
I am sry I failed to get pictures this turn. Turn two I failed to get my genestealers into any combat. My tyrant killed the devestators on the right flank (which I regret are in none of the photos) My zoanthopes succeeded in immobilizing the land raider redeemer. My mawlock pulled a derp and nearly scattered off the table while the second didnt come in.pooped out more gaunts and moved up more. The marines went to town and shot the rest of the stealers to death. The dreadnought attempted to get into combat with my tervigon but despite trying to unload on the intervening unit and the assault doctrine, he failed to close the charge. the terminators did not fail to charge my hormagaunts however. This initially was bad due to them losing 3 of the 6 on the charge due to my initiative. The veterans shot and killed most of the zoanthropes (2 models). And calgar dropped my mawlock down to 2 wounds and I failed my hit and run.
Next turn I wreck the predator, and destroy a flamer on the landraider. I shot most of the ground units to near death, wand assaulted the remaining 2 models in the DA command unit with my tyrant. My Swarmlord failed his charge. The terv finally dried up on a decent roll. The mawlock ate a few of the stern guard but mishapped due to the landraider becoming delayed. My hormagaunts assaulted teh veterans, dealing substantial damage. Cagar killed the mawlock. The marines proceeded to kill ALOT in this shooting phase including the last of my zoanthropes. A full unit of spawned gaunts died and some spore mines but no other full unit. Calgar attempted a Golorious Intervention to spare Sam's hq from the nomnom of the tyrant, but failed and was forced to see him be devoured by the tyrant. His dreadnought assaulted the termigaunt unit.
During our fourth and last turn, my carnifex charged and killed the walker. All but the chaplain were dead in that combat. Calgar and the tyrant were in a challenge with Calgar taking 2 wounds. My mawlock ate all but 1 of the tac squad in the open. Sam had to leave so we called it at that point. As it stood, they had an objective held by scouts on the far opposite side of the battlefield: 3pts. They killed my mawlock: 1pt. Total of 4 points. I scored first blood on the landraider: 1pt. I killed one warlord: 1pt. I killed the landraider, a devestator unit, and the predator: 3pts. I had my mawlock in the deployment zone for linebreaker: 1pt. And I held an objective: 3 pts. Total is 9 points.
I was sad we had to end the game, but it was a good one. Alot of things died on both sides. The only reason much of mine was still alive was due to the iron bark conferring a 3+ save then the zoanthropes granting shroud giving a 2+. They had deployed scouts to cap an objective on the other side of the field which kept them out of the game due to where I had deployed. I had planned to keep the focus centralized on the far right of the board in order to nullify ant long range they would have brought on that side. The banner in the DA was stupidly annoying giving so many salvo shots. I should have killed that unit on the rocks sooner but I was focused on other things. The fact I destroyed the landraider on turn one changed the game for me. I was very lucky there. My genestealers did what they were supposed to do by soaking fire and actually killed an entire unit of terminators. A few failed charges ensured more nids died on their turns and it cost me. My warriors were quite useless, maybe inflicting one wound the entire game. Their synapse was not even useful due to other synapse already overlapping theirs. My strategy to focus the game was effective and it helped to limit the damage I took while allowing me to focus my own damage. I had a few lucky rolls and some horrendous scatter results, but in the end I had locked enough in combat and destroyed enough to carry the day. The objectives were not that influential but the mysterious forests were. I had good luck on my side and it was a good game against the marines who made my nids bleed for their victory. I had fun and look forward to more games!
VIP: DA Tac Squad on the rocks. The salvo from their weapons killed soo many gaunts, but such would not have happened without the banner so the command unit gets an honorable mention! What destuction!
Ultramarines: the Veterans and their Landraider for cooperating to annihilate my zoanthropes. Fear these guys! (no seriously, they had Fear)
Behemoth Tyrnaids: Zoanthropes for melting on landraider and immobilizing another. Good on ya bugs!
That was an incredibly fun game, even if my Land Raider died AGAIN before getting off a single shot. Lol. Dem' 'Thropes.
ReplyDeleteYeah well.. i rather it not get to work against me Lol