So me and my opponent, Ken, played a test of our next Slow Grow lists. He brought marines and I brought my nids. He used Salamanders chapter tactics. He had one captain (forgive if I get it wrong) as his HQ and two marine units with flamers and one had a plasma cannon and the other had a rocket launcher with two dedicated transports as razorbacks with lascannons. My list was a tyrant, tervigon, 30 man termigaunts, and warriors. He and I got both of our armies warlord trait that wanted to kill the opposing warlord for extra points.
We rolled up the scenario where we had to get to the opposing objective and then the corner deployment. I had an advantage immediately because we placed the objective markers on the far side which I got for my corner side. So he had to walk through all of my nids while I walked up just a little to mine. He had the first turn in which night fighting did not take place. He moved up and shot at my stuff killing a few gaunts but little else. I had apparently placed my tyrant perfectly where they couldn't shoot at him. On my turn I proceeded to move my own nids up, pooping out a few from my tervigon. My termigaunts discovered a carnivorous forest that proceeds to munch on them all game. The pooped gaunts found the objective sabotaged and it proceeded to explode but failing to wound anyone.
On the second turn, He continued his slow advance shooting all the way up. He took some pot shots at my tyrant with what he could, but it was ineffective. I advanced my nids, firing at his units with my guys, using my warriors to try and take out his vehicles. The tervingon sent forth her power, the horror, pinning his unit on the left. My tyrant hit the same unit with paroxism, reducing the skills by one.
The next turn he moved forward with his razorback and his unit on the right positioned themselves. He proceeded to knock a wound off the tyrant as he was no longer in any cover and shot more at the gaunts. I advanced still, pinning the same unit again, and reducing the second unit's skills down by 3. I used the psychic scream on the tyrant to no effect. The warriors succeeded in wrecking the razorback in from of them gaining first blood. Assaulting in, my tyrant issued a challenge to the opposing HQ and killed him, getting warlord kill for 1 point and the warlord trait 2 points. The unit of gaunts also joined the fray and proceeded to attack the regular marines.
The next turn, He wasn't able to do much and continued to lose his forces although he took 4 wounds off the tervigon.. On my turn, my tervigon pooped out her last unit on the objective and the tyrant psychic screamed and killed several marines in each unit. then continued to pummel all but the last marine.
End of the game ended with all but one marine dead and we called it at that point. It was a good game but due to well positions models, he couldn't shoot at my big bugs till too late. The game was a lot of fun and I am preparing a narrative for it. Stay tuned for the first hand report from the surviving marine!
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