Ok So I am gonna marathon this one. I wanna get through to the wargear section :) Starting with the tyrant guard and hive guard. The tyrant guard gained an attack and access to more biomorphs and weapons. Not much changed except their look out sir always succeeds. These guys are only going to be seen with the swarm lord I think. Because of the increased value of the flyrant, these guys just dont have a place, although i firmly believe they fulfill their function quite well. They are durable wound soaks for a tyrant that got 10 points cheaper. I give a 3.5 due to lack of relevance but still effective. The hive guard are one unit I brought frequently in 5th. I still plan to bring these guys, but they lost a point in bs. They did get ignores cover on their iconic weapon and gained a new weapon option for anti vehicle (haywire). I think i wont ever take the different weapon due to how these guys kinda are made to be anti light vehicle anyway. They are more expensive by 5 points and actually gained biomorph options. I give a 4 out of five for their usefulness but not necessity.
Next is a personal favorite, venomthropes. I always loved these guys although their usefulness was highly questionable. They have improved now by gaining a point in bs (although I don't know why, they cant shoot anything) and they are 10 points cheaper. The biggest improvement is now instead of giving a flat 5+ cover save to things around them, they give shrouded so the save stacks. This potentially gives your front hordes 5+ cover and your backline and MCs 3+, possibly 2+. They are much better just because of this and now are very useful. People are sad they cant split like combat squads, but I personally am not upset by this. It was wishful thinking that didn't happen. I give a 4 stars to them for improved usefulness.
Next is a staple for pretty much any 5th ed competitive nid list: the tervigon. This bad mother trucker has always been a frustrating beast to face especially when you face them as troops. In this codex they go some major changes. They are 35 whopping points more expensive, lose the ability to give her little babys her poison and adrenal glands, increased the range on her counter attack buff by six and the same for her synaptic feedback, lost the ability to purchase more powers, and gained an initiative point and a pair of talons. Her cluster spines is 5 points now instead of free. Now the spawned units can no longer move after being placed nor can they assault. She spawns them at the end of the movement, however, so they get they same average amount of movement. Overall they seem to have hit her with some targeted changes to reduce the ever so common sight of competitive tervigon. Basically EVERYONE had at least one if not 2-3. The point increase along with the fact you must take full 30 man gaunt unit to make her a troop with stop the terv spam. I do not, however, think she is worthless by any means. I plan to still use one of her as she can still be a toughness 6 scoring unit. That is nothing to laugh at, especially with termigaunts becoming so useful now. I still give this beasty a 5 star review because she is just as usefull, just not as spammable.
Next is raveners. I never was a big fan of seemingly mele units that deepstrike and cant assault, but that doesnt mean they arent useful. The ONLY 2 things that changed is that they have 2 point cheaper spinefist and can take the character, The Red Terror. Now the unit may not have changed much, but the can still deepstike in with devourers and shook then assault later, but the Terrot is the really cool part. +1 WS, S, T, A, Ld, and a 4+ save, he is base better than a normal ravenor. He also has a prehensile tail for an extra attack, two sets of talons, and a really cool swallow whole rule. with his talons, he has 5 attacks and if he hits with at least 4, he can trade them for a single targeted instant kill. an invuln is the only thing that can save the selected model. He is cool but, I dont think he warrants taking 9 points then taking him. Overall I give the unit a 3 because they arent completely useless, but their cost and deficits outweigh their benefits.
Next is the artillery, biovores, spore mines, and exocrine. First the bivore just got quite usefull. His profile is 5 points cheaper and gained a wound, initiative, and attack. Thats all cool, but I wanted the changed to his shots and the mines. His shots are the longest in the codex (48") adn are str 4 ap 4 barrage. This is great because those ignores cover barrages will just destroy eldar, orc, tau, and guard infantry lines. And if he misses, we get d3 spore mines now! not just one! and the spores while not able to move very fare are good because they dont blow up by being shot at, nor does a single model assaulting them blow them up. Rather you control them this time around (nor more scatter movement) and they explode at the intiative 10 step and their strength goes up for every spore exploding at the same time. Great improvements to the bivore. The mines can be bought on their own for 5 points cheaper with up to six model total and they deepstrike. While not quite as good on their own the are still not terrible. Bivores get 4 stars and spores get 3.5. Exocrines are one of the new bugs and therefore I cannot vouch for personal experience. Statwise, they are tough. 5 wounds at T6 and 3+ armor is durable. but they only carry around basic biocannons. I give them 3.5 due to being more survivable, but less impressive in reality.
Next is the feeder organisms, haruspexes and pyrovores. First, the haruspex is new and actually has an interesting weapon that while only one shot can on a six be a precision shot at str6 ap2 not bad. but what makes him scary is his survivability in cc. he is t6 with 5 wounds armor is 3+, but he heals after inflicting wounds and gets extra attacks for each unsaved wound on the charge turn. It also has acid blood. This guy is gonna hurt in cc. It costs decent for a big bug his size (1600 but can take biomorphs so you can also pay for regen for a crazy surviving monster. I give him at least a 4 for possibly nasty usefulness. I might have to try him out. Next is the infamous no show, pyrovore. Oh why GW could you not make him more useful. Oh well. This guy gained some stat boosts, is cheaper, but in order to get his acid maw attack, you sacrifice all others for a single attack. not usually enough to do enough. His explosion rule was worded wonky as well sounding as if he hits everyone on the table when he dies to instant death. Now common sense can tell what they meant, but it was bad writing. I give the pyrovore a 2 at most. He just isnt useful. the hits from a flamer are better compensated for with lots more gaunts.
Next is the iconic bug, THE CARNIFEX! RAWR! this guy is super cool and super good. Massive point drop and now d3 hammer of wrath hits make him at base value just soooo good. Daka fex is much cheaper, but now if taking larger broods, you need to watch their instinctive behavior, lest they munch on each other. These guys get a 5. Alsways have been great, always will be to me.
Ripper swarms.... yeah... about them... they are bad. Skyslashers not much better. More expensive base cost, biomorphs more expensive.... just not good. you could run them if you want the swarm bases to attack with lots of attacks, but you are better going with more gaunts again. They get a 2, almost a 1. The last two I will cover for now (and I wont get to the wargear this time, darn) are the worms, trygon and mawloc. Mawloc I have always loved, and now these guys just rock face. Their s6 ap2 ignores cover burrow attack can hit up to 2 times! However, he no longer moves things out of the way so he can mishap if things aren't all dead aferwards. He got alot cheaper so I give this guy 4 possibly 5 stars :) a little biased, I want the 5. Trygons pretty much havent changed except they are cheaper. 4.5 stars.
Well that was a portion of whats left :p I still have the fliers and the characters to hit so look out for those next!
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