
Saturday, July 30, 2011

Hive Fleet Scourge Advances

Well Jon and I have finally gotten around to play another game of 40k. Just a few weeks ago, we got into the game Warmachine and have been playing the crap out of it. My wife and I entered into an aggreement that I can't spend any more money on wargaming this year after I got the models for the game. Oh well. Anyways, Jon and I got out a 1500 list and rolled up a Dawn of War, 5x objectives (using models from the other game as markers). Jon won the roll off and placed his Eldrad, 10x Wraithguard (as a troops), and his Storm Guardians all in the central ruin. Eldrad was epically placed at the top of the bulidng.

I placed my troop tervigon behind a tower and the Tyrant on the opposite side of my DZ. My Genestealers outflanked almost to his back line.

Now, I forgot to take pictures till the end, so hang with me. Jon forgot to use Eldrad's redeployment ability so we started his turn as I failed to steal the initiative. He cast his three powers and moved his suff up from the back. His transports came from his left side to meet my Genestealers, his Shining Spears moved up behind the central ruin and his Dark Reapers ran trying to keep up. His Dire Avengers and Fire Dragons got out and shot the crap out of my 15 Genestealers. The Broodlord was once again, notoriously the last man standing with one wound left after a combined effort of several units (2x transports, 2x units). Jon saw this as an ill omen as to what was to come for one of his units.
My first turn started by the Terv pooping out 11 dudes. I moved my Shootyfex up next to my Tyrant on my right flank, my Hormagaunts and Termigaunts up the middle with the Prime attached to the Termigaunt unit. The pooped unit started to move up my left side. My Broodlord got into position to rape his 5 Dragons. My Tyrant and Fex unleashed hell on the Avengers from across the board with their stranglethorn cannons killing all but one and pinning the survivor. The Broodlord assalted, killed two, forced to flee, then over-ran the Dragons.
Jon's 2nd turn, he used one psykic power,then moved his tanks in a position to take vengence on the Broodlord, moved his Spears in view of my 11 gaunt unit, moved the Guardians out of cover, ran his Reapers up the ruin, and just stood there with his pinned Avenger. He then proceded to drop two Eldrich Storm templates on my Hormagaunts, killing a few. he then proceded to almost wipe out my 11 Gaunt unit, leaving 4, and killing the broodlord.
My turn, Terv pooped out 8, and Mawloc came in. Mawloc burst from the ground to devour all 3 Spears. My forces did little more than move up... until I wiped out his Guardians, but sent my Hormagaunt unit to their doom against the Wraithguard, for fearless wounds killed them off.
Jon's 3rd turn he sent my Mawloc to the warp with his wraithcannons, put two wounds on my tyrant, and moved his Avenger to the objective.
My turn, drop pod came in with the Doom inside. Scattered 8 inches :P Pooped out 11 more Gaunts, and moved everything else in for the kill. After this point not much happens except that the Doom manages to kill nearly all Jon's stuff from just being around them (sucks the souls out of them). My prime did some damage, but Jon conceded after I blew up a tank and about decimated his castled forces.

Overall, it was a fun game. I look forward to my other friends getting back into town for school so we can get some more games going. I may not have much of a life this next semester, but I will post any new battle reports! I also want to get the other guys to write up some for the blog as well. Stay tuned!

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