Jon brought the Firelord as his warlord and a Farseer. two 5-man units of Pathfinders, 5 Dire Avengers, 5 Darkreapers, 5 Wraithguard with Warlock, 10 Storm Guardians with Warlock, 5 Firedragons in Wave Serpant and 3 Shining Spears.
I brought a flying Hive Tyrant as my warlord to test out the Flying Monstrous Creatures rules, 1 Tervigon, 1 Mawlock, 1 Carnifex, Deathleaper, Doom in a spore, 9 Genestealers and a Broodlord, 2 Hive Guard. 10 Termigaunts, and 20 Hormagaunts. Jon won the roll and took first turn.
I held much of my army in reserve.
We did not roll a successful Nightfight so Jon started by dealing some heavy damage to my troops. First, his pathfinders discovered that the forest in which they hid was actually a large mass of mind controlling ferns.... yes, I said ferns. The objective he was deployed on top of gave him extra cover on his snipers. He decides to get his snipers out of the hazardous fauna and book it toward the river. His forces advanced slowly then opened fire on my Hormigaunts, killing about half the unit. His sniper had run out of the hazardous forest and right into a river.... too bad the river turned out to be a river of industrial sewage.
On my turn, we rolled and the sun set on the battlefield. The Terv birthed 10 gaunts and my forces advance straight toward the enemy. I discovered that the forest in front of my troops was full of dense and tough plant life that granted me excessive cover.
In the second turn, the Eldar advanced more. The wave serpent dropped the Firelord and his Dragons and proceeded to scorch the Tervigon and its posse of gaunts. Leaving only 1 gaunt and a single wound on the Tervigon, the Wraithguard failed to harm the Terv, but she was finished of by the snipers. The synaptic feedback killed the remaining gaunt.
On my turn, the Mawlock and Tyrant arrived for some carnage. The Mawlock Devoured all but the Exarcs of Jon's Avengers and Reapers. Tyrant came swooping onto the battlefield. My guants and Fex opened fire on the Fire Dragons killing 3. Tyrant shot the last biker. Hormagaunts rushed the Wraithguard getting all but 1 gaunt killed. the first of the two artifacts ended up being just some dust.
Third turn, Jon jumped his remaining Dragons in the tank and maneuvered around. Guardians moved up to the front of the battle. His last Dire Avenger rushed forward to find out what the second artifact was, but only found dust. He failed to wound my Tyrant but he did manage to ground him.
On my turn all but the Hive Guard came in. The Doom landed in the middle of everything to suck up their souls. Fex wiped out all but the very courageous Warlock and my Deathleaper killed one Pathfinder. Genstealers moved up the river of sludge. Tyrant joined the combat in which the gaunt survived one more round. My Tyrant accepted the challenge by the Warlock in the Wraithguard unit.... and ate him for dinner. Mawlock went to chew on the tank a bit, removing the bottom weapon.
Fourth turn, Jon managed to kill my Mawlock with a skillfully placed sniper round to the back of his head after the Dragons got its attention with some poorly aimed fireworks. During Jon's turn, the Doom sucked up a single snipers wound and caused them to flee the battlefield.
On my turn, the Hive Guard finally came in but had to foot slog it across the battlefield and would never reach the battle. The Doom sucked up the last two Dragons' souls up and then went after the tank, wrecking it. Tyrant finished chewing on the wraithbone then advanced into a harmless forest. Genestealers discovered a refuge of shelter in their forest and a anti-grave objective. Lictor was confused.
On the 5th and final turn (ended due to time), the Firelord was heroically standing atop the objective, defiantly fending off the Hive Tyrant. My Doom assaulted the snipers, issued a challenge (as a special character) and instant-deathed the Farseer. That left me with 1 objective and we contested two.
I had 1 Primary Objective scoring me 3 victory points and Linebreaker scoring me 1 victory point. TOTAL=4
Jon had First Blood for 1 Victory Point and we had a roll off with his HQ vs mine and he would have won scoring him 1 victory point due to his warlord trait. TOTAL=2
Jon was a great opponant and it was a hard fought battle on both sides. There were pivotal and cinematic moments (stay tuned for my battle journal) as well as funny mishaps. I look forward to playing against Jon again soon. Stay tuned for more!
In the end, the Eldar had inflicted heavy casualties on the Tyranid invaders, and a Phoenix Lord felled a great Tyrant. But the battle was lost and the Eldar were forced to withdraw.... for now.
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