
Monday, March 17, 2014

Selene of the Coven of Garlghast

Here is Selene! She is the first of my Witch Coven to be painted. I shall have the others on here soon! 
She was actually quite the experiment. I used her to define the scheme I am going to use on all my Cryx models. I use Ironhull Grey (P3) on all the fabric and cloth after which I washed using Nuln Oil (GW). I did this a couple times to add depth to the colors. The metal I wanted to do using non-metallic metal methods, but I still am terrible at them so I used Blighted Gold (P3) for the armor pieces and Pig Iron (P3) for any other metal. The blade is Pig Iron with Quick Silver (P3). I applied a Nuln Oil Wash to all the metal and highlighted with the corresponding color and then Quick Silver on various edges. I used the old Dwarf Flesh (GW) on the skin followed by Menoth White Base (P3). I washed using Agrax Earthshade (GW) and reapplied the base conservatively to let the undertones show around edges. I then highlighted that Menoth White Highlight (P3). The base was painted using Necrotite Green (P3) then based with basic, fine sand. The sand was painted carefully with Cryx Bane (P3) so as to let some seep down to conceal the green underneath but not so as to conceal all the green. I then watered down old Golden Yellow (GW) then applied it to the base in-between the sand. I dry-brushed the sand again with the Cryx Bane then lightly dry-brushed with Cryx Bane Highlight (P3). I use some small decor pebbles from wally-world and painted them old Snot Green (GW). I then applied the watered down Golden Yellow then dry-brushed Necrotite Green. I highlighted with the Necrotite Green on the edges of the rocks to define them and then gave it a Thraka Green (GW) wash. I followed up by applying the GW paint-on gloss. The vision arc was painted with Snot Green, dry-brushed with Golden Yellow, dry-brushed with Necrotite green, then lightly dry-brushed with Snot Green. I have yet to seal the paint, but that is next. Hope you like this lovely lady. I look forward to using her and her sisters in the Journeyman League we have running.


  1. Which group is this for? It doesn't look like Dark Eldar. I'm assuming it's a Chaos Cultist. -That one dude you know.

  2. Actually this is for warmachine. She is one of 3 witches that go together. So not warhammer :p

  3. This explains everything.



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